Fickle Duke
Prompt 3: The Duke
eliminated (divorced? sent to a convent? had executed or poisoned?) his last
duchess because (he felt) she undervalued him and treated him much as she
treated other men. Which trivial incidents in particular seem to have produced
this response in the Duke?
The Duke seems to be a
very fickle person, as he makes big deals out of small problems. An example of this is his criticisms of his
former wife, the Duchess. Some things
that he attacked were small, trivial problems, such as her smiling too much at
everything. Actual examples include the
Duchess being flattered by the simplest things anyone did for her, being made overly
happy by everyday things (such as the sunrise, riding around the house, etc.),
and blushing at every compliment. He
claimed these to be overly annoying, and that she would keep it up just to irritate
him. After some time, he gave her the
order to stop, which could mean a divorce (or perhaps her getting killed). The number one trigger of his actions, at
least in my opinion, was the Duchess acting as if his commissioned painting was
made by a famous artist, and that any other gift was considered ages old and
very special to her. The Duke obviously
did not agree with this behavior, as he made remarks that any great speaker
could say “This disgusts me; here you are wrong; or there you have gone too
far.” Even though the Duchess is
obviously complimenting his actions, he thinks it is disgusting and that she
overdoes everything. This, in a way,
shows the Duke as being a patriarch and wanting his wife to stay quiet, but also
to compliment/admire him more than other men.
- Gabe Coffman-Lee
- Gabe Coffman-Lee
Just be sure to cite your textual evidence.